Very excited to have joined the INTERLOCKED webseries, created during the times of lockdown 2020 by the magnificent Marei Annis of All Visions Aligned. Filmed 100% at home in England, US, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Spain and Argentina, featuring 20 actors speaking 6 different languages and possibly more…


Watch the latest episodes HERE:


“The timing couldn’t be worse. 11 people across the globe. Each on a very important quest of their own that will make or break their future. Each guarding a dark secret. And now all confined to their homes for an indefinite amount of time.

— How long can you keep the truth under lockdown?
— And how can you achieve the next bigger goal, when suddenly confined to complete solitude? Or are we more connected than we think after all…?
— And would that be a good or a bad thing?”

#interlocked2020 #allvisionsalign #lockdown #webseries